Saturday, December 28, 2019

The Amendment Of The United States - 1848 Words

The Bill of Right is the aggregate name for the initial ten Amendments of the United States Constitution, which limits the United States federal government. These restrictions serve to secure and protect the natural rights of liberty, including: freedom of religion, speech/press, assembly, and right to petition (seen in the First Amendment). The Founding Fathers needed to guarantee that no man could obtain unwarranted power, which could encroach on an individual’s rights – the rights that came from God to remain intact and cannot be taken away by the government or radicals. The First Amendment to the Constitution confines government from discrimination of religions, and this is beneficial to our country from numerous points of view. Especially on the grounds that the United States was built upon the foundation of emphasizing freedom, this amendment holds essential value to both our government and country. For example in the First Amendment of the Constitution it states: First and foremost, the First Amendment to Constitution strengthens the moral of our governments, providing a free environment for all kinds of people and cultures. The Pilgrims left England to look for religious freedom, and they found a haven in North America; however, different minorities, for example, the Jews, were not all that fortunate. For example, the Holocaust of World War II alone almost killed the entire populace of European Jews. A couple of hundreds of years back, specific individualsShow MoreRelatedAmendments For The United States1562 Words   |  7 PagesGovt 101 October 19, 2015 Term Paper on Amendments Amendments are what hold this country together and need to be maintained. The social contract makes the assertion that the people give up a few of their freedoms and rights in exchange for protection (Barbour Wright, 2014). This idea of freedom for the people spread to the new colonies. These new colonies gradually developed into more advanced systems of freedoms and equalities. Initially, the United States had no power in the central governmentRead MoreThe Second Amendment Of The United States1725 Words   |  7 Pagesâ€Å"Americans are deeply divided over the Second Amendment. Some passionately assert that the Amendment protects an individual’s right to own guns. Others, that it does no more than protect the right of states to maintain militias† (Cornell). The Second Amendment of the constitution gives citizens the right to bear arms, and is therefore one of the most important laws of the nation. This amendment holds an important value to our nation because, it pre vents tyranny but, it also protects, spreads, andRead MoreThe Amendment Of The United States Constitution833 Words   |  4 Pagescensorship or restraint can be considered as a basic provision enshrined in the First Amendment to the United States Constitution. To elaborate, the first amendment to the constitution prohibit the legislative arm of government in making of any law abridging the freedom of speech, infringing on the freedom of the press and prohibiting the petitioning for a governmental redress of grievances. Post this amendment, there have been several cases where the Supreme Court has been required to interpretRead MoreThe Second Amendment Of The United States1472 Words   |  6 PagesGun Control The Second Amendment of the constitution of the United States was adopted on December 15, 1791. â€Å"A well-regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed† (Gun Control Laws). There is controversy on the exact meaning of the Second Amendment. There is also a lot of controversy surrounding guns and gun laws, and what could be done to prevent gun violence and mass shootings in our country. There has toRead MoreThe First Amendment Of The United States1647 Words   |  7 PagesFirst Amendment: Where It Originated and How to Protect It On September 17, 1787, the United States Constitution was signed by delegates to the Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia, who were directed by George Washington. The 1787 convention was called to draft a new legal system for the United States now that the states were free and colonized. This new Constitution was made to increase federal authority while still protecting the rights of citizens. It established America’s National GovernmentRead MoreThe Second Amendment Of The United States874 Words   |  4 PagesWhen comes to the second question’s answer; the citizens of the United States take power from the Second Amendment of the Constitution to get a gun. Second Amendment of the United States that was adopted in 1791 emphasizes, â€Å"Every individual was granted the right of gun ownership and bearing gun† (Diaz, 54). For those citizens who want to buy a gun can put their constitutional rights forward so that all barriers can easily be eliminated in front of owning a gun. People may want to have a gun dueRead MoreThe Amendment Act Of The United States1030 Words   |  5 Pages While there are many amendments to the U.S. Constitution that have impacted our society and nation, I believe that the 19th amendment to the Constitution is one of the most important events in our history. The 19th amendment states, â€Å"The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of sex.† (1) There are several reasons why I find this amendment to be important, and I will discuss each point. 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Due to the controversies, certain gun regulations have been enacted and fears have risen because of this. In the Second Amendment of the Constitution of the United States, it states, â€Å"A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the rightRead MoreThe Second Amendment Of The United States1666 Words   |  7 PagesIntroduction The fourth amendment of the United States Bill of Rights states that â€Å"The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.† (â€Å"Bill of Rights†). Within the text of this amendment, the word ‘unreasonable’ is one

Friday, December 20, 2019

Information Processing Theory - 2744 Words

Entertaining Speech An entertaining speech is one whose sole purpose is to have the audience enjoy the presentation. The purpose of an entertaining speech is not to educate, inform or inspire †¦ it is to make the audience smile, relax, enjoy and maybe even laugh their heads off. How do you make a speech entertaining? There are many ways to entertain an audience. You can: * tell jokes * tell funny stories * dramatize an anecdote * tell a scary story When it comes right down to it †¦ there are probably as many ways to entertain as there are entertainers †¦ and audiences. That said, there are some guidelines to creating an entertaining speech. * Chose an appropriate topic: You don’t want the topic to be too dense,†¦show more content†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ You ask, what is our policy? I say it is to wage war by land, sea, and air. War with all our might and with all the strength God has given us, and to wage war against a monstrous tyranny never surpassed in the dark and lamentable catalogue of human crime. That is our policy. * You ask, what is our aim? I can answer in one word. It is victory. Victory at all costs—Victory in spite of all terrors—Victory, however long and hard the road may be, for without victory there is no survival. * My heart goes out in sympathy to anyone who is making his first appearance before an audience of human beings. By a direct process of memory I go back forty years, less one month—for Im older than I look. * I recall the occasion of my first appearance. San Francisco knew me then only as a reporter, and I was to make my bow to San Francisco as a lecturer. I knew that nothing short of compulsion wou ld get me to the theater. So I bound myself by a hard-and-fast contract so that I could not escape. I got to the theater forty-five minutes before the hour set for the lecture. My knees were shaking so that I didnt know whether I could stand up. If there is an awful, horrible malady in the world, it is stage fright—and seasickness. They are a pair. I had stage fright then for the first and last time. I was only seasick once, too. I was on a little ship onShow MoreRelatedInformation Processing Theory2838 Words   |  12 PagesThe information processing theory approach to the study of cognitive development evolved out of the American experimental tradition in psychology. Developmental psychologists who adopt the information-processing perspective account for mental development in terms of maturation changes in basic components of a child’s mind. The theory is based on the idea that humans process the information they receive, rather than merely responding to stimuli. Th is perspective equates the mind to a computer, whichRead MoreThe Social Information Processing Theory Essay2258 Words   |  10 Pagesliterary sources reviewed, researchers conducted independent studies that provide insight into the relationship between MMC and an increased aversion to in-person communication. Originally based on early computer technology, the social information processing theory (SIP), developed by Joseph Walther (Griffin, 2012) in the early 1990’s, derived from relevance from the asynchronous nature of computer mediated communication at the time. As technology has evolved, computers are no longer the only deviceRead MoreThe Theory, Cognitive, And Information Processing911 Words   |  4 Pagesthrough experience. Each person has a unique way of learning, and for a child, it is the teacher s responsibility to understand how each child learns. There are several different learning theories. However, we will be discussing these three main theories Behavioral, Social Cognitive, and Information Processing. Behaviorism is everything that we can directly observe. According to the text on page 308, For the behaviorist, behavior is everything that we do, both verbal or nonverbal, thatRead MoreUnderstanding Piaget Theory And Information Processing Theory1208 Words   |  5 Pagesof Cognitive theories has many different aspects that have been debated many years ago. Developmental psychologists try to explain cognitive development approaches which describe the process of human s thought. One of the developmental psychologist who studied on the area of cognitive was Jean Piaget. Jean Piaget a Swiss psychologist was the first developmental researcher who has extensive research on cognitive development. In addition, the revolution of Jean Piaget’s cognitive theory has changedRead MoreStages of Learning and Information Processing Theory1694 Words   |  7 Pagesï » ¿ Basketball Research Report [Type the document subtitle] 3/21/2014 18218 Table of Contents 1.0 Introduction 2 2.0 Stages of Learning 2/3 3.0 Information Processing Theory 3 4.0 Feedback 4 5.0 Conclusion 4 6.0 Appendices 5/6 7.0 Reference List 7 1.0 Introduction Motor learning, particularly in the early stages of learning a skill, involves attempts by learners to acquire an idea of the movement, (Gentile, 1972) or understand the basic pattern of coordination (NewellRead MoreNotes On Social Information Processing Theory1746 Words   |  7 PagesCoding Sheets 1 2 (Social Information Processing Theory) Coding Sheet 1 APA citation Lee, J., Lim, Y. (2014). Who says what about whom: Young voters’ impression formation of political candidates on social networking sites. Mass Communication Society, 17(4), 553-572. doi: 10.1018/015205436.2013.816743 Rationale or justification (page #: 553-555, 566-569) This topic is important because it allows us to gauge people’s perception and impressions of certain cues in the web environment. The researchRead MoreInformation Processing Theory: Influencing Cognition983 Words   |  4 PagesInformation Processing Theory: Influencing Cognition Historically, viable theoretical models have been developed and applied throughout the history of the field of psychology in an attempt to better understand how the human mind receives, processes, stores, and retrieves information. Understanding how the human brain receives, processes, stores, and recalls information is significantly important to psychological research of cognitive development and identifying deficiencies in learning. The vastRead MoreEssay about Information Processing Theory1186 Words   |  5 PagesInformation Processing Theory Selicia Whidbee-Denmon AED202 April 1, 2012 Tracey Morgado Abstract Information Processing Theory The information processing theory is a group of theoretical frame works that address how the human beings receive, think about, mentally, modify and remember information and how such cognitive processes change over the course of development. (Child development pg.186) Information processing theory emerged in the late 1950s and early 1960s and has continued toRead MoreSocial Information Processing ( Sip ) Theory972 Words   |  4 PagesSocial Information Processing (SIP) Theory was developed by Joseph Walther and is used to explain how people form relationships across communication technologies. In the development stages, Walther built his theory using key ideas from Social Penetration theory and Uncertainty Reduction theory to aid understanding of SIP’s key concepts. Griffin (2015) explicitly states that SIP theory says that, â€Å"relationships grow only to the extent that parties first gain information about each other and use thatRead MoreModule Information Processing The ory of Learning2021 Words   |  9 PagesModule Information Processing Theory of Learning INTRODUCTION The information processing theory approach to the study of cognitive development evolved out of the American experimental tradition in psychology. Information processing theorists proposed that like the computer, the human mind is a system that processes information through the application of logical rules and strategies. Like the computer, the mind has a limited capacity for the amount and nature of the information it can process Objectives

Thursday, December 12, 2019

Some of the most important pre Essay Example For Students

Some of the most important pre Essay 1812The election of 1812 consisted of a battle between James Madison, and De Witt Clinton. Madison had represented both Democratic and Republican beliefs, while Clinton was a Federalist. James Madison was born in Port Conway, Va., on March 16, 1751. A Princeton graduate, he joined the struggle for independence on his return to Virginia in 1771. He had been an active politician in the 1770s and 1780s. He was greatly know for championing the Jefferson reform program, and in the Continental Congress. Madison, in collaboration, had participated greatly in the, Federalist, a paper whos main purpose was to ratify the constitution. Madison first became president in 1809, when he bested Charles C. Pickney. He had led the U.S. in a very unpopular war, in which the U.S. hadnt been prepared forthe War of 1812. De Witt Clinton was a Federalist, whos main purpose of the election was to get the U.S. out of a war in which he felt was very unnecessary. DeWitt held every major elective office in New York between 1797 and 1828assemblyman, senator, mayor of New York City, lieutenant governor, and governor. He was a philanthropist and patron of the arts and science and, as canal commiss ioner, championed construction of the Erie and Champlain canals The method in which these candidates received nomination was by the Electoral College, or by King Caucus. The idea of political conventions had not been present at this time. There were no third-party candidates in this election. The major issue of this election was the War of 1812. The War of 1812, or Mr. Madisons War, had been very unpopular among different sections of America. Mainly the ship owners in New England. The war was supposed to protect. This war was supposed to help their shipping, but instead, it had kept them from trading and making money. The winner of the election of 1812 was James Madison. Madison collected 128 electoral votes, while Clinton received 89, and the number of No Votes Cast was 1. The Vice-presidential candidate, who won the election was Elbridge Gerry, who received 131 electoral votes, while Jared Ingersoll received 86. There was no record of the number of popular votes for this election. My opinion of why Madison had won the election is because he had led the country into the War of 1812, and therefore, he should be allowed to fight it. He was also much more popular than De Witt Clinton. Madisons part in ratifying the Constitution, and his other early deeds, were also influential on the voters minds. He also did pretty well during his first term. 1844The candidates for the election of 1844 were James K. Polk, and Henry Clay. Two very respectable men, who had great plans for the U.S. Polk represented the Democratic party, while Clay represented the Whigs. James Knox Polk was born in Mecklenburg County, N.C., on November 2, 1795. He graduated from the University of North Carolina, from which he then moved to Tennessee, where he became prominent in state politics. He was elected to the house of representatives in 1825. He was elected Speaker of the House in 1835. Four years later, he was elected governor of Tennessee, but was beaten in tries for re-election in 1841, and 1843. Martin Van Buren, the president prior to the 1844 election, counted on Polk as his running mate; but when Van Burens stand on Texas alienated Southern support, the convention swung to Polk on the Ninth ballot. Henry Clay, a key figure in U.S. politics during the first half of the 19th century, was a master of the art of political compromise. Born in Hanover County, Va., on April 12, 1777, he studied law in Richmond and moved to the frontier state of Kentucky in 1797. Clay became more and more important in Kentucky politics, becoming speaker of the state assembly in 1807, and winning election to the U.S. House of Representatives in 1811. Clay made his first try for the presidency in 1824. Four men ran, including Andrew Jackson, were on the ballot. When no candidate won a majority, Clay threw his support to John Quincy Adams. Adams won and promptly named Clay his secretary of state. The party members won their candidacy by primary. The major upset of this time happened during the Democratic convention. Everyone expected Van Buren to be named the Democratic candidate, but because of Van Burens stand on Texas, the nomination went to Polk. This election had no third-party candidates. The major issue of this election was the issue of Texas. Polk and the Democrats, wanted Texas in the Union. Clay also wanted Texas, but he was afraid that the acquisition of Texas would lead to war with Mexico. Clay never made it clear just where the Whig party stood. The Oregon territory had also been a big part of this election. Oregon was the name given to all the land between Alaska and California, west of the Rocky Mountains. Both Great Britain and the U.S. claimed it. Polk said that the Oregon territory would be Americas, even if it led to war. The winner of the election was James K. Polk. He pulled in 170 electoral votes, while Henry Clay received 105. There is no record of the number of popular votes for this election. My opinion of why Polk won this election is because of his stand on land. He believed greatly in Manifest Destiny, and this was very popular at the time. Clay, and the Whig party never made it clear as to where they stood on Texas. Perhaps if the voters had known for sure on which side of the line they stood, this election might have had a different outcome. 1912The election of 1912 was a three-man race between Theodore Roosevelt, who was a Progressive, William H. Taft, a Republican, and Woodrow Wilson, a Democrat. Each one had their own ideas on how to change America, but only one would get a chance to do so. Born in NYC on October in 1858, Theodore Roosevelt was a Harvard graduate. His interests included ranching, politics, and writing. Roosevelt was a Republican member of the New York assembly from 1882-1884. He was an unsuccessful candidate for mayor of NYC in 1886, but became police commissioner of NYC in 1895. Roosevelt assumed the job of president in 1901, after the assassination of McKinley. Theodore Roosevelt embarked mainly on conserving natural resources. He was very anit-big-buisness. After his term was up, he was defeated in presidential primary as a Republican, so he chose to start his own party, known as the Progressives. Teddy pulled most of the votes in election of 1912, but the split between him and Taft caused Wilson to become president. Social Work Environment EssayWhy F.D.R. won the election in my opinion is because he was a great president. The American people loved him, and his style of government. He gained the trust of the American people, by getting them out of the Great Depression. That is why he was elected to the presidency more than any other president before his time. 1964The election of 1964 was a contest between Lyndon B. Johnson, a Democrat, and Barry M. Goldwater, a Republican. Johnson was born on August 27, 1908, near Johnson City, Texas, the eldest son of Sam Early Johnson, Jr., and Rebekah Baines Johnson. Johnson attended public schools in Johnson City and received a B.S. degree from Southwest Texas State Teachers College in San Marcos. He then taught for a year in Houston before going to Washington in 1931 as secretary to a Democratic Texas congressman, Richard M. Kleberg. In 1933, Franklin D. Roosevelt was elected President. Johnson greatly admired the president, who named him, at age 27, to head the National Youth Administration in Texas. In 1937, Johnson sought and won a Texas seat in Congress, where he mastered public works, reclamation, and public power programs. When war came to Europe he backed Roosevelts efforts to aid the Allies. During World War II he served a brief tour of active duty with the U.S. Navy in the Pacific, but returned to Capitol Hill when Roosevelt recalled members of Congress from active duty. Johnson continued to support Roose velts military and foreign-policy programs. In 1953 he won the job of Senate Democratic leader. The next year he was easily reelected as senator and returned to Washington as majority leader, a post he held for the next 6 years despite a serious heart attack in 1955. Barry Morris Goldwater, born in Phoenix, Arizona on January 1, 1909, was the unsuccessful Republican presidential candidate in 1964. Goldwater was elected to the Senate from Arizona in 1952. A firm conservative, he became a spokesman for right-wing Republicans in their campaign against big government, advocating instead greater state and local powers. He vigorously opposed federal welfare appropriations as socialistic and sought to curb public ownership of utilities. A strong anti-Communist, Goldwater supported American military intervention in Vietnam and criticized efforts to achieve detente with the USSR. He was decisively defeated by Lyndon Johnson in the 1964 presidential election. Goldwater served in the Senate until retirement in 1987. Each candidate won his nomination by a Presidential Convention, with the process of primary elections. There were no third-party candidates in this election. The main issue of this election was civil rights. Many people opposed Lyndon B. Johnsons laws, claiming them to be too pro-black. Many liberals and blacks themselves believed that the laws didnt go far enough. Race riots broke out in a number of cities because of these conflicts. The winner of the election was Johnson, by a landslide. He brought in a popular vote total of 43,129,484, and an electoral vote total of 486. Goldwater, on the other hand, won a popular vote total of 27,178,188, and an electoral vote total of 52. The reason Johnson won the election of 1964, in my opinion is because of his prior term. He was able to regain control of the White House, after taking over for the assassinated John F. Kennedy. It was a time of equality and civil rights, and many people liked and agreed with where he stood on these issues. 1988The election of 1988 was a contest between George Bush, and Michael Dukakis. Bush was a Republican, while Dukakis was a Democrat. Born on June 12, 1924, in Milton, Massachusetts, to Dorothy Walker Bush, daughter of a wealthy investor, and Prescott Sheldon Bush, a banker and later Republican U.S. senator from Connecticut, George Bush grew up in the New York City suburb of Greenwich, Connecticut and attended Phillips Academy in Andover, Mass. During World War II he became the navys youngest bomber pilot. Shot down over the Pacific island of Chichi Jima and rescued by a submarine, he was awarded the Distinguished Flying Cross and three Air Medals. In 1945 he married Barbara Pierce and then matriculated at Yale University, where he majored in economics, was captain of the baseball team, and graduated with Phi Beta Kappa honors in 1948. Michael Stanley Dukakis, born in Brookline, Massachusetts, November 3, 1933, a three-term governor of Massachusetts, was the Democratic presidential candidate in 1988. The son of immigrants from Greece, Dukakis graduated from Swarthmore College and Harvard Law School. He was elected to the Massachusetts legislature in 1962, serving four terms. Elected governor of Massachusetts in 1974, Dukakis was denied re-nomination in 1978. Re-elected in 1982 and 1986, he claimed credit for part of the periods economic resurgence-the Massachusetts miracle. The states economy had soured when he declined to run again in 1990. Stressing competence over ideology, Dukakis campaigned for the presidency in 1988 in a manner that many observers found uninspiring. He and his running mate, Sen. Lloyd Bensten of Texas, lost to the Republican team, George Bush and Dan Quayle, by 46% to 54% of the popular vote. After leaving office as governor of Massachusetts, Dukakis declared that he planned to do some lectur ing and teaching, as well as encouraging young people to enter public service. Each candidate in this election was elected by the process of primary elections, and nominated at their Presidential Convention. There were no third-party candidates in this election. The main issue of this election was taxes. Bushs promise of no new taxes won over the American public. Bush won the election with a popular vote total of 48,886,097, and an electoral vote of 426. Dukakis received a popular vote total of 41,809,074, and an electoral vote total of 111. The reason Bush won the election in my opinion was because of his promise of no new taxes. The American people just came off of a Regan High, with good economic times. People thought the things would remain like they did during the Reagan Era if they elected Bush. The most important election in my opinion of all of these was the election of 1812. America was heading into a war which we werent prepared for. This was a crucial time for someone to take the reigns, and lead America into a situation in which we would come out on top. Madison was the right man for the job, at such a crucial time in American History.

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Access To Health Care For Australian Cultural Groups

Question: Discuss about the Access To Health Care For Australian Cultural Groups. Answer: Introduction Health care has improved the societal living standards by ensuring that all health problems are attended to in the best why possible. Through the department of health in the government, every location is considered in the improvement of the health standards to provide better service to the community. Every health problem identified is dealt with in the best way possible by the qualified doctors. Cases that cannot be solved through the capabilities of the national health problem, the international health bodies are consulted to ensure that cases like cancers receive the best care. Although the ministry of health in collaboration with the private sector are trying to achieve their best in providing best health care, some challenges are always experienced by the citizens. Due to the increased population, the Constitution has supported the private sector to indulge into the sector to improve the service provisions by providing solutions to medical issues experienced. The health care systems have been improving from time to time to make sure that there, not medical problems are left undissolved. Although the government among other groups might view the provision of healthcare as ethical, there might be issues with balancing the cultural beliefs and accessing health care in the community. For example, a specific cultural group might be believing that people should not be accessing health care, rather they should be healed through their traditional methods (Guzys and Petrie, 2013). People with different originalities inhabit the Australian state. These cultures include the Australian Aboriginal and Culturally and Linguistically Diverse communities (CALD). Therefore, this paper will focus on barriers experienced by both cultures in access to health care and the possible strategies to be used in improving the services. Australian Aboriginal Culture The Aboriginal culture in Australia consists of people whose origin is based on the Australian country, and their practice and beliefs are based on Dreamtime theory. There are several barriers to access to health care for the Aboriginal culture in Australia. These problems are highly experienced by people living in most remotes areas in the country. The barriers have been observed through various research works conducted by the government among other independent bodies. The main barriers affecting the sufficient access to health care among the aboriginal culture include language and communication, telecommunications, service providers trust and transport services (Durey et al., 2013). Barriers to Health Care for Aboriginal Culture Language and Communication Research that was funded by the government was conducted in 2008 to check whether the aboriginals spoke a language that could be understood by their equivalent service providers. This was a government idea to check how efficient were the services offered by the government to the citizens, especially to the field of health (Kunitz and Brady, 2010). The national language in Australia is English, but some people do not understand or speak the language because of lack of knowledge. Based on the research results, around 13% of the Aboriginal culture had another main language other than the national language. Rather, the main language in some localities is not English, which made it difficult to communicate with the health professionals. Amongst this percentage, 46% were perceived to originate from the remote areas in the country, and 2% were from urban areas. Further, the results showed that around 15% of these people were not in a position to communicate in English. For the people of age s 55years and above had the highest percentage (24%) of people who could not communicate in English. This indicated that the government had a great task to solve the societal problem (Blackwell, 2013). Telecommunications There was a great difference in percentages between the people who were connected to the internet between the residents of remote and non-remote areas. Based on research conducted by National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social Survey (NATSISS), 98% of the aboriginals had access to telephones regardless of the type of phone. However, 40%, 20%, and 19% used home landlines, public phones, and others respectively. Figure 1: Phone usage among the remote and non-remote aboriginal residents (Abs, 2010) Service Providers Trust Trust is a paramount element that is factored in the service industry. The doctor should trust their patients in cases of requests for services otherwise the quality of service will be low. The residents should also trust the local hospitals and the workers to ensure that they do not perceive negative thoughts. A higher level of trust will mean that every person can seek medical assistance from the doctors at any time (Liaw et al., 2011). Based on trust study conducted among the aboriginals, some people stated they had trust issues with the doctors and the hospitals. However, a larger percentage was ok with the number medical centers and the health practitioners (Henderson, Kendall and See, 2011). Figure 2: Trust among the aboriginal culture (Abs, 2010) Transportation In some localities, the distance from home places to the medical centers required an efficient means of transport. It was observed if a person perceived an illness, it took a lot of time before medical help could be acquired. Due to the insufficiency in transport services, they could not access the health services easily whenever there was a need. Around 66% of the aboriginals in Australia could access means on transport any time they need, either public or private. However, statistics showed that only 7% were able to obtain transport services on emergencies, which means people who incurred emergent medical cases had high probabilities of survival. Around 32% of the people from remote areas who are unable to access transport services when needed among the aboriginal culture. These statistics shows that there is some significant percentage of individuals who are not able to access transport services when needed (Durey et al., 2013). Strategies to Promote Health Care Among Aboriginals Some strategies are supposed to be practiced to avoid the effects of the barriers in the society. The strategic practices should be focused on providing remedies to the existing societal problems. Firstly, because the community experiences an issue in communication, the government is supposed to educate people from these localities to become doctors so that they can efficiently serve the community. Otherwise, they can employ translators who will help people who cannot communicate in English effectively. These are some of the remedies for the language and communication barriers (Larson et al., 2011). Availability of telecommunication services helps people be informed about the changes in the technological world. Due to the improvements in technology, health information services are also found on the internet, thus helping the society be prevented from minor health cases. Therefore, raising the level of telecommunication access will also reduce the rate of unattended health case by raising the communities intelligence. The quality of health service offered by the hospitals should be raised, which increases the level of trust between the citizens and the doctors/hospitals. Qualified personnel should be employed in every single health center to cater almost all medical problems in the society (Liaw et al., 2011). Finally, the government should improve the construction of social facilities closer to the remote areas to reduce the distance covered by individual seeking for medical help. Transportation services should also be an improvement in the country by constructing roads, which raises the chances of acquiring private or public vehicles whenever needed. If these barriers are effectively managed, the social status of the aboriginal will be improved by reducing their mortality rates and increasing the efficiency of acquiring medical assistance (Steffens, Jamieson, and Kapellas, 2016). Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Communities The culturally and linguistically diverse communities are perceived to be a combination of different ethnic groups who originates from different parts of the globe. These groups have diverse socio-cultural beliefs, and they varied by their religions. There are several barriers to effective health care that are experienced by the CALD communities in living in Australia. Some of these barriers are knowledge and information about available medical services, personal experiences with healthcare professionals, differences in socio-cultural and religious beliefs and influences from significant others based on health perception (Adebayo, Durey, and Slack-Smith, 2016). Barriers to Health Care for CALD Communities Knowledge about Available Health Services Some individuals in the Australian state who are associated with the CALD communities might not be informed about the available medical health services in the country. Therefore, these particular people might suffer from some health problems that can be treated in the available health centers. For instance, a patient from foreign countries might be suffering from diabetes, a disease that can be treated in specific health centers but because of insufficient information, the condition may worsen. There might be community-based support groups that educate/inform diabetes patients on how to manage their conditions (Alzubaidi et al., 2015). Without information about the existence of such groups, the patients might not enjoy such health services. If people do not acquire the required information, they will not be involved in ongoing advice from the medical practitioners about preventions and interventions to serious societal health problems (Cross et al., 2014). Personal Experiences With Medical Practitioners Individuals from different areas in the globe will tend to have personal perceptions about hospitals and health services. Therefore, there might be problems with the way the individuals from the CALD communities interact with the doctors (MHCS, 2010). There might be cases of language barriers which leads to either misunderstanding or insufficient communication. With the differences in the communication, the patient will not receive the required medical assistance. Individuals who will be communicating in a different language will have higher chances of failed trust for the doctors compared to patients speaking in English (Australian Government | Health Department, 2011). This is because if the doctor understands the core health problem, medical assistance will be offered quickly as compared to a person whose medical issue is not yet known. The considerations of the social and emotional factors by the doctor is very important for effective medical care. It can be disappointing if a pa tient is blamed for a disease suffered by the medical practitioners. Religious and Socio-Cultural Beliefs Communities have different religious and socio-cultural belief, whereby some are attached to the way they receive medical/health services. Some individuals might be born into a culture that fears a diagnosis of certain diseases to avoid being informed that they are victims. There are some other religious beliefs, especially in Islamic culture who believe that the human life is transient, and much should not be consulted in search for life extension (Cross et al., 2014). Therefore, people from this religion might not acquire continued sufficient medical assistance because it is not according to their beliefs. Also, cultures believe that some specific health problems are as a result of a curse, and medical help should not be sought; rather they should wait and face their wrath. All these beliefs affect the delivery and access to health care services. Influence from significant others Every individual has colleagues whom they respect and consult in every individual case. These people can affect the efficiency of the people from CALD communities accessing health care effectively. This is because they might offer wrong health advice to their friends who are in need of urgent medical assistance. For instance, a fellow might speak out about the symptoms being identified but due to assumptions, advice from friends might be inadequate for this particular case. In cases when an individual is advised to wait for recovery without seeing the doctor might lead to severe medical cases. Remedies for Barriers of Access to Health Care Services for CaldCommunities Firstly, the CALD communities in the Australian continent should be informed about the available hospitals and health services in their localities. This will help reduces cases of severe effects caused due to lack of information. This information can be provided through internet medical services or manuals to all the people entering the country. Solutions should be provided to the experienced problems in the health care provision systems. For instance, language barrier problem can be solved by employing language translation services. Research should be conducted to evaluate the efficiency of health services provided to help curb the extremely negative effects (Dowling, 2014). Health advice should be provided to individuals who are reported to be suffering by encouraging them to seek medical assistance where possible. This will help people having issues of culture and religion opt seeking medical help whenever they feel unwell. Finally, there should be community-based support groups t hat teach individuals about the importance of consulting the doctor whenever there is a need. References Abs, (2010). 4704.0 - The Health and Welfare of Australia's Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples, Oct 2010. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 21 Jul. 2016]. Adebayo, B., Durey, A. and Slack-Smith, L. (2016). Culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) carers' perceptions of oral care in residential aged care settings in Perth, Western Australia. Gerodontology, p.n/an/a. Alzubaidi, H., Mc Namara, K., Browning, C. and Marriott, J. (2015). Barriers and enablers to health care access and use among Arabic-speaking and Caucasian English-speaking patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus: a comparative qualitative study. BMJ Open, 5(11), pp.e008687-e008687. Australian Government|Health Department, (2011). Department of Health | People from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 21 Jul. 2016]. Blackwell, W. (2013). Guidelines on the provision of sustainable eye care for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australians. Clinical and Experimental Optometry, 96(4), pp.422-423. Cross, W., Cant, R., Manning, D. and McCarthy, S. (2014). Addressing information needs of vulnerable communities about incontinence: A survey of ten CALD communities. Collegian, 21(3), pp.209-216. Dowling, M. (2014). A guide to interpreting not just the words but the meaning intended (A DVD to support interpreters, health care, pastoral and spiritual care staff involved in end of life and organ donation discussions with culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) families). Australian Critical Care, 27(1), p.53. Durey, A., Wynaden, D., Barr, L. and Ali, M. (2013). Improving forensic mental health care for Aboriginal Australians: Challenges and opportunities. International Journal of Mental Health Nursing, 23(3), pp.195-202. Guzys, D. and Petrie, E. (2013). An Introduction to Community and Primary Health Care in Australia. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Henderson, S., Kendall, E. and See, L. (2011). The effectiveness of culturally appropriate interventions to manage or prevent chronic disease in culturally and linguistically diverse communities: a systematic literature review. Health Social Care in the Community, 19(3), pp.225-249. Kunitz, S. and Brady, M. (2010). Health care policy for Aboriginal Australians: the relevance of the American Indian experience. Australian Journal of Public Health, 19(6), pp.549-558. Larson, B., Herx, L., Williamson, T. and Crowshoe, L. (2011). Beyond the barriers: family medicine residents attitudes towards providing Aboriginal health care. Medical Education, 45(4), pp.400-406. Liaw, S., Lau, P., Pyett, P., Furler, J., Burchill, M., Rowley, K., and Kelaher, M. (2011). Successful chronic disease care for Aboriginal Australians requires cultural competence. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health, 35(3), pp.238-248. MHCS, (2010). About CALD Communities MHCS. [Online] MHCS. Available at: [Accessed 21 Jul. 2016]. Moyle, W., Parker, D. and Bramble, M. (2014). Care of older adults. 2nd ed. Cambridge University Press. Steffens, M., Jamieson, L. and Kapellas, K. (2016). Historical Factors, Discrimination and Oral Health among Aboriginal Australians. Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved, 27(1A), pp.30-45.

Thursday, November 28, 2019

John Steinbeck - The Author And His Times Essays - Dust Bowl

John Steinbeck - the Author and his Times He didn't know it at the time, but John Steinbeck started getting ready to write The Grapes of Wrath when he was a small boy in California. Much of what he saw and heard while growing up found its way into the novel. On weekends his father took John and his three sisters on long drives out into the broad and beautiful valleys south of Salinas, the town where John was born in 1902. John passed vast orchards, and endless fields green with lettuce and barley. He observed the workers and the run-down shacks in which they lived. And he saw, even before he was old enough to wear long pants, that the farmhands' lives differed from his own. Although the Steinbecks weren't wealthy (John's father ran a flour mill), they lived in a comfortable Victorian house. John grew up on three square meals a day. He never doubted that he would always have enough of life's necessities. He even got a pony for his 12th birthday. (The pony became the subject of one of Steinbeck's earliest successes, his novel The Red Pony.) But don't think John was pampered; his family expected him to work. He delivered newspapers and did odd jobs around town. Family came first in the Steinbeck household. While not everyone saw eye-to-eye all the time, parents and children got along well. His father saw that John had talent and encouraged him to become a writer. His mother at first wanted John to be a banker- a real irony when you consider what Steinbeck says about banks in The Grapes of Wrath- but she changed her mind when John began spending hours in his room scrawling stories and writing articles for the school paper. Later in life, Steinbeck denied that his family served as a model for the Joads in The Grapes of Wrath. But both families understood well the meaning of family unity. As a boy, John roamed the woods and meadows near his home and explored the caves. He swam in the creeks and water holes and became acquainted with the ways of nature. He developed a feel for the land. Each year the Salinas River flooded and then dried up, and John began to understand the cycles of seasons. He saw that weather was more than just something that might cancel a picnic. He saw that sunshine and clouds and rain and temperature readings were vital to farmers and growers. You can tell that John must have loved the out-of-doors. Otherwise, how could he have set four novels and several stories in the lush countryside where he spent his youth? During high school (1915-19) he worked as a hand on nearby ranches. There he saw migrant workers, men without futures, breaking their backs all day for paltry wages and at night throwing away their cash in card games and barrooms. Out of this experience came the novel Of Mice and Men. Yet he also developed a profound respect for the inner strength of many of these laborers. They owned little, moved fast, kept few friends, and led barren lives. But they endured. In spite of adversity, they stood tall and proud. They had self-respect. Their spirits could not be broken. In fact, Steinbeck developed so much admiration for these working "stiffs," as they called each other, that he took up their style of life. He was nineteen and had spent two unrewarding years at Stanford University. He tried to find work as a deckhand on a Pacific freighter, but ended up instead in the beet and barley fields of the Willoughby Ranch south of Salinas. Then he worked in a beet factory as a bench-chemist. All the while, he gathered material for writing. After each day's work he wrote- mostly stories and poems. Six months later he decided to return to the classroom and to study the writer's craft seriously. Some of his pieces ended up in the college newspaper; others showed up later as sections of The Long Valley, In Dubious Battle, The Grapes of Wrath, and East of Eden. Steinbeck's success as a writer coincided with the coming of the Great Depression. As many people around

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Free Essays on Discipline Problems

â€Å"How to Create Discipline Problems† As an educator, one would ideally be able to focus on giving students the tools to access knowledge. However, educators deal with children, who grow up under the care of their teachers. So, besides subject matter, teachers are charged with the duty of teaching children behaviors. And sometimes, instead of encouraging proper behavior, educators sometimes mistakenly encourage discipline problems with ineffective punishments or behaviors of their own. In Wasickso and Ross’s article, common mistakes of educators in discipline are given, as long as many effective solutions. The article is opened with a list of ways to effectively encourage discipline problems. (For the teacher who feels they don’t have enough on their plate already.) But what follows is truly a helpful guide to classroom management. My reaction will focus on three particular pieces of advice: â€Å"Expect the best from kids,† â€Å"Know each student well,† and â€Å"Treat students with love and respect.† If an educator expects little out of their students, the children will perform just at that expectation. It is a human flaw to work just as much as needed, and do what is needed for the bare minimum. Teachers have a responsibility to show children that the bare minimum, while it may be enough, is not the best. If they put forth the extra effort, they ought to receive a reward, be it extra-credit, extra recess, or special privileges. This thought goes hand in hand with discipline. If a teacher expects her children to misbehave, they will sense this expectation and perform accordingly. However, if a teacher expects a high behavioral pattern, and expresses this adequately, and also provides rewards for meeting this expectation, children will live up to this expectation, or at least put forth an effort to do so. And how does an educator set their expectations for classroom behavior without knowing their students? I... Free Essays on Discipline Problems Free Essays on Discipline Problems â€Å"How to Create Discipline Problems† As an educator, one would ideally be able to focus on giving students the tools to access knowledge. However, educators deal with children, who grow up under the care of their teachers. So, besides subject matter, teachers are charged with the duty of teaching children behaviors. And sometimes, instead of encouraging proper behavior, educators sometimes mistakenly encourage discipline problems with ineffective punishments or behaviors of their own. In Wasickso and Ross’s article, common mistakes of educators in discipline are given, as long as many effective solutions. The article is opened with a list of ways to effectively encourage discipline problems. (For the teacher who feels they don’t have enough on their plate already.) But what follows is truly a helpful guide to classroom management. My reaction will focus on three particular pieces of advice: â€Å"Expect the best from kids,† â€Å"Know each student well,† and â€Å"Treat students with love and respect.† If an educator expects little out of their students, the children will perform just at that expectation. It is a human flaw to work just as much as needed, and do what is needed for the bare minimum. Teachers have a responsibility to show children that the bare minimum, while it may be enough, is not the best. If they put forth the extra effort, they ought to receive a reward, be it extra-credit, extra recess, or special privileges. This thought goes hand in hand with discipline. If a teacher expects her children to misbehave, they will sense this expectation and perform accordingly. However, if a teacher expects a high behavioral pattern, and expresses this adequately, and also provides rewards for meeting this expectation, children will live up to this expectation, or at least put forth an effort to do so. And how does an educator set their expectations for classroom behavior without knowing their students? I...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

The Fashion Channel Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1

The Fashion Channel - Case Study Example The essay "The Fashion Channel Case" concerns The Channel and Fashion. Encouraged from the success of TFC, networks like Lifetime and CNN have begun to add fashion-related programs to their line-ups. Some recent market surveys indicate that Lifetime and CNN perform better than TFC in terms of customer satisfaction, awareness, and perceived value. According to a recently published Alpha research on customer satisfaction with cable networks, TFC achieved a rating of 3.8 (on a scale of 1 to 5) on customer satisfaction whereas CNN scored 4.3 and Lifetime gained 4.5. In terms of awareness, CNN achieved 4.6 and Lifetime a 4.5 while the TFC’s rating was 4.1. In case of perceived value, the scores of TFC, CNN, and Lifetime were respectively 3.7, 4.1, and 4.4. Evidently, TFC’s declining performance adversely affected their two major sources of revenues- advertising revenues and cable affiliate fees. In order to strengthen the TFC’s market position and to improve its compe titiveness, the organization is currently planning some strategy changes. TFC is mainly thinking of increasing the price for a unit of advertising so as to improve its financial stability. In order to increase or hold the advertisement price, it is essential for the organization to make its network’s content appealing to a critical mass of viewers who in turn would attract advertisers. In order to address this market condition, Dana Wheeler, senior vice president of marketing, has framed three alternative solutions.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Homers Achilles Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Homers Achilles - Essay Example Achilles was killed by Paris of Troy who was avenging his brother Hector's death. Paris has been termed a coward in some literature because he took advantage of Archilles' weakest spot and killed him by an arrow to his heel. Sophocles' Greek character, Philoctetes, resembles Achilles because he was wounded in his foot. His injury did not cure. Philoctetes was about to participate in the Trojan war when he was bitten by a snake on his foot. He suffered great pain and the wound smelled bad. His superior, Odysseus, betrays him and leaves him behind on an island called Lemnos. It seems Philoctetes' has an 'Achilles heel' too because his weak spot on his foot refused to heal. However, Philoctetes, unlike Achilles, does not die from his foot injury. It seems that the pain in his foot was linked to his reception of Heracles' bow. For when Neoptolemus tried to deceive Philoctetes and steal his Heracles' bow, the pain in his foot magnified. Neoptolemus took pity upon him and returned his bow. Philoctetes fought in the Trojan war. As a reward from the gods, his foot was cured of pain, smell and disease. Antigone was the daughter of Oedipus. She was a brave heroine who tried to bury her slain brother Polyneices, against the orders of Creon, Haemon's father. Her lover, Haemon, defended her actions and committed suicide after her death. Haemon's mother, Eurydice, killed herself because of grief. Creon gives up his life to his enemies.

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Income Taxes and Leases Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Income Taxes and Leases - Coursework Example According to Sachse (2006), all the timing differences cannot be reversed and that their tax effects cannot facilitate payment of deferred tax liability. For the advocates of the partial allocation of income tax, deferred tax liabilities would only be the portion of the comprehensive tax liability that was expected to result in the cash outflows (Sachse, 2006). Besides, this is not a conservative approach since the company management is given a leeway to choose the liabilities to recognize and those to avoid. Comprehensive allocation of income taxes This method requires that income tax expenses declared in the accounting period be affected by all transactions and be further included when calculating the pretax financial accounting revenue for that particular fiscal year. Both the GAAP and IFRS require the comprehensive allocation approach for the recognition of income taxes (Sachse, 2006). The matching argument is used in the justification of detailed allocation on grounds that the principle requires a full matching of revenue and expenses, hence the most conservative approach. Accounting for a capital-lease by the Lease The capital lease shall be recognized as an obligation, but valued as the initial lease-term’s minimum lease payment’s current value, but exclude executor expenses like maintenance, insurance and profit paid by the lessor. But in case the established amount exceeds the initial leased asset’s fair value, it may imply that obligation and asset value be considered as the fair value.

Friday, November 15, 2019

Some Statistic About Playing Online Games In Vietnam Media Essay

Some Statistic About Playing Online Games In Vietnam Media Essay 1. Introduction The development of technology in the 21st century has been bringing to us many advantages. One of these is online games-a popular kind of game among teenagers. Online games can be simply defined as games which can be played online over the internet. Online games also can be played against different users in different locations. The trend of playing online games is getting more popular due to the different advantages they offer. Playing online games has a lot of benefits because it helps us to relax and entertain. However at the same time, online games also have disadvantages if we play too much and people should be careful. Therefore, there are many different views about online gaming. This paper, with the purpose of helping stop game addiction, will discuss the questions of what impacts do online games can bring and what should we do to avoid gaming addiction. 2. Discussion of findings 2.1 Some statistic about playing online games in Vietnam A survey done by Education and Training Department in 2010 in 1121 schools in Hanoi had shown that there were 12.724 students playing online games more than ten times a week and there were 626 students spending ten hours playing online games each time. Especially, 2920 students said that spent at least 20 VND each time. To get the money for playing, 121.365/370.387 students asked from parents, 65336 students asked sisters and brothers, and 35615 asked friends. Others sources were from their money for breakfast and tuition. That means teens were dependent on adults and they could not afford to play games. There are many kinds of online games in Vietnam market. At 2010, there were 69 approved online games; however; there were actually 102 games already circulating for sale. Many games likes Vo Lam Truyen Ky, Chinh Do involve virtual fighting, destruction, killing, dying and many images of knifes, swords and some kind of weapons like that. Most gamers have a desire to become the strongest. Therefore, they pays lots of money and effort to purchase weapons, spend plenty of time playing online games to increase their level and participate in individual or group no matter night or day. 2.2 The advantages and disadvantages of playing online games 2.2.1 The advantages of playing online games The first benefit we can see is that online games are much more convenient than traditional games (Jim 2009). After a busy day from school, children can go home or go to the Internet shop to play games. Just by few clicks, they can play a lot of different games. Everything is done on computers so it is also easier for children. Moreover, the cost of online games is cheaper than other ones, so online players can enjoy free games and just need pay from five to ten VND to the shop ( 2011). According to some researches on the Internet, playing online games allows players to be more flexibility and variety, and can stimulate the players, even make the players become more resourceful and clever. As the network game, there are many and varied tasks or fight for gold to carry out, so it can train that players thinking and adaptability. When playing games, teens can make friends through the Internet and learn how to deal with relations and mutual respect. In addition, although the virtual world is a fictional world, the friends are still real so they can feel the friendship between players. By playing online games, teens can learn the spirit of unity, cooperation and teamwork such as how teams work together to deal with evil powerful enemies and do team tasks. When teens with their team join in the war, they need to find many ways to help and to save each other, so that they can beat the rivals and finish the game ( 2011). 2.2.2 The disadvantages of playing online games Of course along with the advantages, there are a few disadvantages of playing online games but only if teenagers have no control over their actions. Online games can be very addictive, and the addiction can seriously have a negative influence on the younger in term of physical and mental health. Online game is an indoor and sedentary activity. Therefore, spending a lot of time playing games can lead to some health problem like headache, short-sightedness, stress, absent-mindedness and many more. The article Online games ruin gamers lives ( 2009) has given an example of a gaming addict-a young girl who stayed at the shop for one week and barely left her computer for one minute or a boy played online games continuously for six days-smelt very bad and looked exhausted. This example indicates that teens now can spend most of their time sitting in front of the computer screens from early morning until midnight without eating anything or doing something else. Moreover, this can lead to lack of physical activities among teens and they will lose or gain weight quickly, become lazier, less active and communicative. Troubles with work, psychological and breakdowns in personal relationships are some consequences too. They also do not care about everything around or talk with no one else (John 2012). Furthermore, online games addiction was found to be associated with lower grade point average and school performance (Daria and Mark, 2012, p.10, cited in Chan and Rabinowitz, 2006; Gen-tile, 2009; Choo et al., 2010; Gen-tile et al., 2011) Another obvious consequence of online game addiction is violence or crime. Tauqueer H (2011) stated: This will not only harm individuals and families but it will also have an extreme negative impact on the society. Most of the disasters that happen in families start from online gambling activities that encourage the players to attack their family members or steal their assets besides committing other offences. Also having the similar opinion, Prof Bushman also said: Those who played violent online games always looked at the world through the aggressive eyes and that the world is a place of aggression and hostility. He concluded: Gaming is not the only cause of aggression but it is a very important factor affecting to teens behavior which grows over time. (C.Nguyen 2012). They emphasized the fact that violent can seriously affect children through online game and this can not be dismissed if we do not want bad things happen to our children. 2.3 Solutions It is has been suggested in the article Toa thuoc nao khi con nghien game ( 2009) that there are four ways to prevent gaming addiction. The first way is letting teens play if his grade is good. That means if he did well at school like pass the exam with high scores or his grade is better than before, being allowed to play games can be considered as a reward. The second step is letting the child use computer if you sit next to him/her. Of course he can be uncomfortable but that is the only way you can watch him and tell him when to stop playing. The third important solution is encouraging teens to participate in outdoor activities like playing sports, camping, shopping. This action can help them more active, flexible and help them to forget about playing online games all day. However, if teenagers have been addicted for playing online games for a long time, you may have to delete the software associated with the game or block the related websites. People can also go to the psychologists to ask for advices. 3. Conclusion: From the findings above, it is clear that game online addiction in Vietnam is still a big issue. The number of teenager playing online games is increasing and adults somehow can not control their children. However, there are also reasons to believe addiction in online games will decrease in the following years if we know how to take advantages of online games and the solution to avoid addiction. Then, hopefully, no one will have to worry about letting their children play online games. (Word count: 1334 words)

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Plato Vs. Aristotle on Art Essay example -- Philosophy

For over two thousand years, various philosophers have questioned the influence of art in our society. They have used abstract reasoning, human emotions, and logic to go beyond this world in the search for answers about arts' existence. For philosophers, art was not viewed for its own beauty, but rather for the question of how art and artists can help make our society more stable for the next generation. Plato, a Greek philosopher who lived during 420-348 B.C. in Athens, and Aristotle, Plato’s student who argued against his beliefs, have no exceptions to the steps they had to take in order to understand the purpose of art and artists. Though these two philosophers made marvelous discoveries about the existence of art, artists, and aesthetic experience, Plato has made his works more controversial than Aristotle. During the ancient times in Greece, Plato was the first human to document and criticize the existence of art and artists. He mentioned that human art was always in a form of a representation of something else. In one of Plato’s famous works, he demonstrates the idea of art is like an â€Å"imitation of nature† (Blocker 3). In other words, the purpose of art was to represent nature and nothing else. Art was not created for the sake of its own self nor was it created to appreciate its own beauty by any means. Instead, art, usually in forms of writings, paintings, or sculptures, was created to only to represent nature, Gods, emperors, families, or other important individuals. Furthermore, Plato had a very critical view towards the existence art in our society because art makes us more emotional, and our emotions lead to many errors about life. He believed it is our rational thinking, not our emotions or senses, which helps us und... ...ed knowledge beyond ordinary people’s understandings. However, in some ways Aristotle did a better job than Plato. As a result, his ideas will continue to exist in this world for the generations yet to come. Works Cited Blocker, H. Gene., and Jennifer M. Jeffers. Contextualizing Aesthetics: from Plato to Lyotard. Belmont,CA: Wadsworth Pub., 1999. Print. Jones, David. "ARISTOTLE'S AESTHETICS." Rowan University. Ulbery Press, 19 Apr. 2007. Web. 17 Nov. 2011. Havelock, Eric. Views of Republic. Standford: Brooke Spencer, Jan.-Feb. 2003. PDF. Lingis, Alphonso. "Literary Reference Center - Powered by EBSCOhost." EBSCO Publishing Service Selection Page. Routledge, 02 Feb. 2004. Web. 17 Nov. 2011. Stecker, Robert. "The Journal of Aesthetic Education." Plato's Expression about Art 26.1 (1992): 1-122. Jstor. Ithaka, 7 June 1992. Web. 17 Nov. 2011.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Conclusive Interview of My Sister

Section 1. 1 – Interview I’m Rashad, and I’ll be conducting a conclusive interview on Shequita Perez, my sister. She is the oldest of 3 children. Shequita is a hard working single parent, and will give her very last to make someone else happy. She is the type of women who believes handling business is the first priority. I interviewed Shequita by asking about her past, present, and lastly her future. Shequita mentioned her past as being very exciting. Now that’s she’s grown, she feels as though she’s a better person than she was.Her best memories from the past would have to be, her high school days. She attended, and graduated from Helen Cox High year 09’. Shequita was very active in High School, she was head caption of the Majorette team. Besides, Shequita’s High School life, she spent most of her time with her mom, and little brothers. Out dinning, and traveling to Orlando Florida to Walt Disney World was also a time sheâ€⠄¢ll never forget. Being a hard working single parent has its up’s and down’s, but no one’s perfect. Shequita gave birth to Kaylah Kimannie A’Kyre Perez on October 14, 2008.Shequita mentioned, spending time with her daughter is priceless, just seeing the smile on her face lights up her entire day. Shequita grew to learn that parenting is a huge responsibility, and that can never be a reason to stop following your dreams. It just makes you more determined to follow your heart. Shequita indicated that her future would be beyond successful. She has plans on moving to Houston, Texas. In Houston she’s determined to own a house of her own, and her daughter will be getting a better education.Also, Shequita plans to start her own clothing line, and give back to the community on New Orleans, Louisiana. Giving back to make someone else happy, is all that really matters to shequita. There’s no better feeling than that. Life is all about growing. Knowin g where you are now, and where you would like to be. Motivation from self is the best motivation that you can ever receive. Never give up on what makes you happy, follow your dreams, and lastly your heart. In conclusion, I Shequita Perez couldn’t be more happy.

Friday, November 8, 2019

Dubai Financial Market

Dubai Financial Market Abstract Financial markets are important entities in the economy. They have a significant effect on the performance of the national economy, as well as the performance of companies whose shares are listed.Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on Dubai Financial Market specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Financial markets are places where stocks are traded. Stocks may include company shares, government bonds, and other securities. Foreign currencies are also traded here. In Dubai, the major financial market is referred to as the Dubai Financial Market. It is among the largest financial markets in the UAE region. This article will focus the various aspects of the Dubai Financial Market. Introduction Financial markets are popular economic entities in every nation. These are markets where securities, fungible items, as well as commodities are traded. The prices at which these securities are traded are guided by the laws of demand and supply. Financial markets could either be general or specialized. There is more than one item traded in the general market, unlike the specialized market that deals in a single commodity. Participants in these markets include individuals, companies, as well as government agencies. Financial markets are beneficial in a number of aspects. For instance, they help the organizations raise capital to expand their operations. Financial markets also facilitate risk transfer in what is referred to as derivative markets. Almost each country has its own financial market. In Dubai, there is the Dubai Financial Market (DFM) that was founded in the year 2000 on March 26th. It is headquartered in Dubai, United Arab Emirates. Since its inception, there are over 60 companies that have been listed on the Dubai Financial Market. Most of these companies are domestic, with only a few foreign companies if any. It is important to note that most of the foreign companies listed on Dubai Financia l Market are from the MENA region. They are from countries such as Kuwait, Sudan, Oman, and Bahrain. However, most of these companies have foreign shareholders, among other domestic shareholders. The information regarding Dubai Financial Market will be focused on in this research paper. The history of Dubai Financial Market will be outlined, its functions and objectives, the requirements that a company should meet to be listed here, as well as the growth of companies listed on the market and growth of trading in Dubai Financial Market. History of establishment of DFM Dubai Financial Market was established on the 26th day of March the year 2000. This is the same day when the operations commenced in the market. However, trading of shares did not commence until Wednesday 7th March 2007. It was established as a public institution and it was to function as an independent corporate body. The financial market was established through a resolution that was passed by the Ministry of Economy o f Dubai in the year 2000.Advertising Looking for research paper on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The resolution that led to the formation of Dubai Financial Market was referred to as the Resolution No. 14 of 2000. The organization operates as a secondary market where shares and other securities that have been issued by the public companies are traded. Federal government bonds are also traded here. In addition, the local government, as well as any other public institution has the right to trade its securities in the Dubai Financial Market (Dubai Financial Market, 2013). Financial instruments, as well as local and foreign currencies are also traded. In the year 2005, the Executive Council Decree set up Dubai Financial Market as a Public Joint Company in the United Arab Emirates. The paid up capital for the company was AED 8billion. This amount was to be allotted over 8 billion shares. The par val ue for every share was to be AED 1.6. Twenty per cent of the shares were issued to the public for public subscription. The response to this public initial offer was too positive, which led to a high level of oversubscription. The amount generated added up to AED 201billion, an amount well over the 8billion target. Since it was established, Dubai Financial Market has continued to grow and expand, as well as improve on its performance and services offering. During its first year of operation, the organization had less than 20 listed companies. Some of the companies that were listed by the end of the year 2000 include: Dubai Islamic, Dubai National Insurance and Reinsurance, Emirates Bank, Mashreq, Dubai Insurance, Union Insurance, Union Properties and Agico (Arabian General Investment Corp, or Shuaa), Emaar, Dubai Investment, as well as Tabreed also known as the National General Cooling Company. The company further had a total of 12 brokers who were accredited by the end of 2000. They included: â€Å"Al Sharhan, Commercial Bank International, Dubai International Securities, Dubai Islamic Bank, Dubex Securities International, Emirates Bank International, Emirates Commercial Centre, Mashreq, National Bank of Abu Dhabi, National Bank of Dubai, Shurooq, and Union National† (, 2001). However, it recorded a consistent growth in its first three quarters of the year 2000. It started with 7.17 million shares, which then increased to 7.57 million shares in the second quarter and third quarters. By the fourth quarter, the company had about 9.15 million shares. The growth rate of Dubai Financial Market followed the same pattern as more shares continued to be listed and more companies joined the market. Objectives and functions Every successful organization should have objectives that are well stipulated in a clear and precise manner. All the activities carried out within an organization must be in line with its objectives. Dubai Financial Market was forme d with the major aim of offering securities trading services.Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on Dubai Financial Market specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The organization aims at providing innovative services in the securities market. It aims at increasing the level of efficiency and effectiveness in the market, as well as enhancing transparency. Creating a liquid environment is another objective of the organization. The financial markets usually have a significant effect on the general economy of the country in which they are operated. A good performance in the financial market is an indicator of a well performing economy (Dubai Financial Market, 2013). On the other hand, if the financial market is performing poorly, then this will be an indicator of a poorly performing national economy. The leaders and managers of Dubai Financial Market are aware of the importance of security markets in an economy, thus they ensure maximum efficiency in the organization. Dubai Financial Market tries to enhance the utilization of the available resources to create an efficient marketplace for securities. The company attempts to utilize the resources as effectively and efficiently as possible (Dubai Financial Market, 2013). Efficiency can also be enhanced by ensuring that investors are well armed with relevant information that will facilitate their decision making. Investors need to make decisions that are well informed; otherwise, they might end up losing their fortunes. Dubai Financial Market ensures that investors have the right and sufficient information to help them in their decision making. In addition, the organization also tries to prevent investors from any form of unfair treatment or improper practices that might discourage them. In doing so, the Dubai Financial Market regulates all the activities that take place in the trading of securities. It ensures that the prices of securities are controlle d by the forces of demand and supply and not by individuals or entities. There is a possibility for individuals or entities that have large numbers of shares to control the market and become unfair to the rest of the investors. The Dubai Financial Market management ensures that this does not happen to ensure fairness and attract more investors. The company offers investment opportunities to potential investors, a function that is said to have a positive influence on the growth of the national economy. People can save through the financial market and trade securities where they make profits. Dubai Financial Market also makes arrangements for the purchase and sale of securities. In doing so, it ensures that the investors are treated in a fair manner. The market further facilitates transfer of securities from one owner to another. In doing so, it establishes a center where deposits transfer and settlements can be conducted. This is done in a system that is highly integrated to make the process speedy and accurate (Dubai Financial Market, 2013). It also ensures a high level of integrity among members and security brokers through establishment of a code of ethics. It provides training to its members to enhance integrity. The company has accredited brokers who help investors in conducting the securities trade.Advertising Looking for research paper on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More There are some people who may not be aware of the processes and procedures followed in the market securities, thus they can get help from these brokers. Finally, Dubai Financial Market gathers any relevant data, as well as statistics regarding securities and prepares reports that are presented to its stakeholders. These reports are important in that they facilitate accurate and relevant decision making by the investors. Listing requirements The term listing refers to the shares of a company being traded on a stock exchange or others on the list of the shares to be traded. For the shares of a company to be listed, it has to apply for listing. However, there are some countries whereby the financial market or the stock exchanges can just list the shares of a company. For a company’s shares to be listed in the market without applying, the shares have to be traded through informal channels actively. The following are the requirements before listing on the Dubai Financial Market. T he company is required to give a brief description of its history and operations. The financial markets aim at listing companies that have a good performance to boost its chances of success. Investors will only want to buy shares of a company that have a healthy performance. Attracting more investors will increase the profitability of the Dubai Financial Market. It is for this reason that it only lists well performing companies. The company is expected to show its financial statements for the past few years prior to its application (Aljifri Hussainey, 2007). The financial statements are good indicators of a company’s performance. If the performance of the company is approved, it is then required to have a sufficient number of securities that are to be placed in the public. This is called a free float and should be possessed in absolute terms, as well as in the percentage of outstanding stock. The company should also be in possession of a prospectus. The prospectus should mee t all the requirements, including opinions given by independent assessors. The company should also be a public company. Once a company meets these general requirements, as well as any other special requirements as it may be required by the Dubai Financial Market, its application can be accepted and its shares start trading in the market. The company is expected to maintain its market value or its share turnover above a certain level that is regarded as critical. If the value falls below this level, then the company can be delisted. When the shares of a company have been delisted, it means that they will no longer be available in the stock exchange and investors will no longer be able to trade them. In most cases, a company whose shares qualify to be delisted is normally performing poorly and its profitability is worryingly low (Aljifri Hussainey, 2007). The company might be declared bankrupt as a result of the poor performance, or it might cease business operations. Investors are n o longer interested in buying such shares since they fear they might lose their money. The shares might also be delisted in an event that the company no longer meets the requirements and the rules of listing. It is important to note that people who trade in shares have a major objective of making profits from the business. Another reason why a company might be delisted from the Dubai Financial Market is when it converts to a private company through an acquisition or a merger. When the shares of a company have been delisted, they can be traded over the counter in some countries. It is worth noting that the fact that the shares of a company have been delisted does not necessarily mean that the company has changed its strategy. The growth of companies listed on DFM When a company’s shares have been listed on the stock exchange, its chances of growth usually increase because it gets funds to expand its operations. The company is able to fund its production through embracing techn ology and innovation, investors get the chance to trade its shares, and the chances of its products or services being preferred by customers are usually higher. A company whose shares are listed on a financial market usually has an added advantage over its competitors. It has a competitive advantage and it can perform better. One of the benefits that companies get from having their shares listed on the Dubai Financial Market is that they can be accessed by international investors. The Dubai Financial Market organizes events whereby international investors are targeted. This increases the diversity of these companies. The listed companies are placed on higher radar and their growth chances are highly boosted. The companies that have been listed on the Dubai Financial Market have this advantage and their growth rate is relatively higher compared to other companies (Aljifri Moustafa, 2007). The events organized by this organization in Dubai give the companies a chance whereby they sho wcase their opportunities for growth, as well as their strategies for the future. Their strategies can be boosted by the foreign investors whereby they can be given relevant information, funding, and other forms of support that would enable them to grow at a higher rate than their competitors. As mentioned earlier, the Dubai Financial Market offers innovative services to companies whose shares are listed on the market. The innovative services further facilitate the rate of growth of these companies. In general, it can be concluded that the companies that are listed on the Dubai Financial Market are at an advantage compared to those that are not listed in terms of growth. Listed companies have better chances of growing and expanding. They are strategically positioned to realize a much better performance currently and in the future. The information they get from the Dubai Financial Market reports facilitate their decision making. Consequently, they are able to make better decisions du e to availability of sufficient information (Aljifri Moustafa, 2007). Decision making is a very crucial activity in an organization. Wrong decisions will have a negative effect on the performance of the company and the growth rate will be retarded. The availability of information gives companies listed on the Dubai Financial Market a better chance to grow. Growth of trading in DFM DFM is one of the financial markets in the world that have had a consistent growth rate, despite the economic problems that hit most parts of the globe starting the year 2007. Most companies have had a poor performance since the recession started in the year 2007. C ompanies have recorded losses and their performance in their respective financial markets has been poor as well. The number of shares traded in the Dubai Financial Market has increased consistently since its establishment in the year 2000. Only 11 companies were listed on the Dubai Financial Market at the end of the first year of its operation s. Today, the company boasts of over 60 listed companies. This is an indicator of a very consistent and rapid growth. Termed as one of the United Arab Emirates leading financial markets, the DFM has recorded nothing but growth since its inception. In the year 2013, for instance, the value of shares being traded in the market increased by a whopping 82.9 per cent hitting a high level of Dh 38 billion from Dh 20.8 billion in the previous quarter. The share index further increased from 1829.2 points to 2222.6 points, representing a percentage increase of 21.5% (, 2013). The companies whose shares are listed on the DFM are at an advantage since the value of their shares is likely to increase. When a financial market performance is good and consistent, the chances of growth for companies whose shares are listed on the market are better. The companies are able to consistently get funds to finance their operations and expand. The companies are also positioned in a better pos ition to build their brand image and gain loyal customers. Brand image is very important for a company’s growth since it makes its marketing efforts easier and cheaper. A brand can even market itself and the marketing expenses are highly reduced. Less expenses means higher profit and more funds to re-invest or expand operations. This further increases the growth chances of an organization. Companies trading in the Dubai Financial Market have been able to grow because they take the advantage of the market’s consistency. Conclusion Financial markets have a very significant effect on the national economy of a country. They give an indication of how the companies in the country are performing. A country that has financial markets that are dynamic is able to achieve an accelerated growth rate. Financial markets help the economy in that they save mobilization. They obtain surplus money from the investors who could be individuals, companies, governments, as well as the public sector. They also facilitate industry growth, development of entrepreneurship, as well as the national growth. They avail the necessary financial resources to companies that are willing to expand their operations or capitalize on potential opportunities. In doing so, the financial markets enhance entrepreneurship. Dubai has had one of the financial markets that are among the best in the UAE region. The Dubai Financial Market has registered a steady growth since its establishment. DFM was able to survive the global economic recession that hit most parts of the globe starting the year 2007. The market has played a significant role in the growth and development of Dubai’s economy. The companies whose shares are listed in the market have benefited a lot from the market’s services and their performances have been highly boosted. It is important for the government of Dubai to continue supporting the Dubai Financial Market to continue accumulating the related benefits. Refer ences Aljifri, K., Hussainey, K. (2007). The determinants of forward-looking information in annual reports of UAE companies. Managerial Auditing Journal, 22(9), 881 – 894. Aljifri, K., Moustafa, M. (2007). The impact of corporate governance mechanisms on the performance of UAE firms: an empirical analysis. Journal of Economic and Administrative Sciences, 23(2), 71–93. Dubai Financial Market, (2013). Background. Retrieved from (2013). DFM posts solid Q2 trading volumes growth. Web., (2001). Dubai Financial Market marks three quarters of growth. Retrieved from

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

bipolar disorders essays

bipolar disorders essays Bipolar disorders are a class of Axis I mood disorders with severe physical, social, and psychological consequences to the patient, the patients friends and family, and society as a whole. According to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 4th ed., the lifetime prevalence for the three main types of bipolar disorders (bipolar type I, bipolar type II, and cyclothymic disorder) combined is approximately 1-2% percent, and unlike major depressive disorders, bipolar disorder is equally common among both men and women. The disorder appears to be mostly genetic, with a concordance rate of 40% among monozygotic twins and 15-20% among first degree relatives. As the name implies, patients who suffer from bipolar disorder constantly shift between the two poles of the affective spectrum, that is, from depression to mania (or hypomania). There is no specific pattern that allows clinicians to predict what affective state the patient will present next, nor when he or she will cycle into a manic or depressive state. The fact that many patients can often last in a state of affective normalcy for years and then suddenly lapse into depression or mania makes this disorder horrendously difficult for the patient, clinician, and anyone involved in the patients life. The category of bipolar disorder is comprised of three distinct disorders, the first and most common of which is bipolar type I disorder. In this disorder, patients experience episodes of both depression and full-blown mania, normally in a somewhat slow cycle. The depressive episodes are similar to those found in major depression, and if left untreated will usually withdraw in 3 to 4 months. Manic episodes are much more difficult to predict, as they are particularly unique to each individual. Because mania is the defining feature of bipolar disorder (i.e. the differentiating criteria between bipolar and unipolar depression), some time should be spe...

Sunday, November 3, 2019

The Suffrage Movement Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

The Suffrage Movement - Essay Example Early Greek and Roman laws treated women as children, forever inferior to men, unable to take care of themselves without men's control. The Christian tradition perpetuated Greek and Roman views on the natural inferiority of women. Thus St. Jerome, a 4th-century Latin father of the Christian church, said "Woman is the gate of the devil, the path of wickedness, the sting of the serpent, in a word a perilous object" while Thomas Aquinas, the 13th-century Christian theologian, reduced the role of women to reproduction only claiming woman was "created to be man's helpmeet, but her unique role is in conception . . . since for other purposes men would be better assisted by other men" (Frost et al, 1992, p.22). Given the influence of Christian tradition in both Europe and Americas, the inferior status of women became the unquestionable norm in social, political and economic life. Evidently, any attempt to change this norm would inevitable become an immensely difficult task, 'the hardest of a ll fights' as reasonably observed Emmeline Pankhurst. Throughout most of the modern history women always have had fewer leg... Only in the last century women in most countries won the right to vote and partially changed traditional views concerning their role in society. This largely was the result of long and difficult struggle of feminist movements for the natural rights of women. The movement for women's rights was given the name of suffrage movement or suffragette. Originally this word was coined by the Daily Mail newspaper as a derogatory term toward women's movement in the United Kingdom. Although this term was originally used in relation to the radical wing of the suffrage movement led by Emmeline Pankhurst (the Women's Social and Political Union) eventually its meaning became broader to include all members of the movement for women's rights. Members of the movement organized various actions such as chaining themselves to railings, hunger strikes, putting mailbox contents on fire, smashing windows and on occasions setting off bombs (Rover, 1967, p.5). Eventually, a substantial shortage of men during the First World War forced women to take tasks and roles that had been traditionally considered as men's, which led to further positive transformations of attitude toward women. As a result, in the aftermath of the war the Parliament of passed the Representation of the People Act 1918 that granted voting rights to women over the age of 30 who were householders, the wives of householders, occupiers of property with an annual rent of 5, and graduates of British universities. And it took only a decade for the UK women to obtain the same right as men (Rover, 1967). In the United Stated, women also initiated an organized campaign for equal status with men with Elizabeth Cady Stanton being the leading theoretician of the women's rights movement. Her famous book 'Woman's Bible',

Friday, November 1, 2019

Project Staff Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Project Staff - Essay Example unctioning is explained in this paper with special emphasize to functioning of effective work groups, elements of group effectiveness, process gains and process losses. Many of the current organizations are encouraging group work or team work because of the immense advantage team work have on individual work. In fact most of the project works need team performances rather than the individual performances in order to execute it successfully. Individual brilliance may not reflect in a team work. For example, if one out of the 10 members of a team performs badly, the entire mission could be failed even if the all the rest nine members perform excellently. For the effective functioning of the team, the entire team members need to identify the various processes involved in the project for the team’s progress. Process gains and process losses are the part of a project team functioning. Identification of these characteristics will help the team to perform well. A winning team is like orchestrating a piece of music and it doesnt happen by chance. It requires a great deal of information, careful thought, and sound resource management (Vokoun, 2009). It is not necessary that all the workgroups function well. The characteristics of the work group members are important in making the group work effective. Each member of a group is just like the links in chain. Even a single weak link can spoil or break the chain. Same way even single member of the group can spoil the entire objectives of the group work. In other words, a group work will be effective when all the group members combine well and complement each other. The first step in constructing a productive and goal-oriented work group is to gather information (Vokoun, 2009). Information about the project, its objectives and the skills required to complete the project are important for forming the work group. It is not necessary that an effective and efficient member in a group would be effective in another group.

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

NARRATIVE story Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

NARRATIVE story - Essay Example Only that morning, after my brother’s compulsion, I decided to get out of my room to go with him and my parents to the beach for some fun. At first I was very annoyed as I preferred to stay indoors and watch some television as it was a weekend. During the weekdays, I had enough and more school work to be done and got very little television time. So weekends are usually a television marathon for me and I would never go out. My brother and my father have a weekend routine which I thought was lame. They would go for swimming at a nearby club and invite me all the time. I always felt very nostalgic to swimming pools and the blue colored water spread across as if it were a blue blanket made me uncomfortable. But today, as the club was closed due to some maintenance activity, my brother had planned for this trip to a beach nearby and had compelled me to come. I thought I will just get some sun and stay away from the ‘deep blue sea’. After reaching there and watching eve ryone have fun, I was not able to control my rising yearn to hit the water. Unfortunately, failed to notice the board which said ‘this area is for strong swimmers only’. So, here I am dragged inwards toward the horizon by the strong waves. I opened my eyes and found that everything around me was different and that confused feeling was still there. I was looking around to figure out whether I was in heaven (hopefully). I could hear the sounds of people talking outside. I woke up fully to get back to reality. My brother was walking towards me and paid no attention to me. I was little bit ignited with this act, as I expected him to come and ask me how I felt after coming in close encounters with death. Instead, he just started hitting me with his towel asking me to get up. I got up, now fully awake, and was staring blankly at my brother who was yelling, ‘are you coming with us to the swimming club at least today?’ Just then everything hit